Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I love film school.

So Sunday morning I woke up and it was cold. I bundled up and at first did not feel like working out.  That plan changed as it started to rain and I booked it over to church.  From there my day just got more exciting. I had to go through security on Jefferson because of the SAG awards were being held right next door to the Zemeckis center where I was working on a 546 graduate film called Volcano Girl.  I helped out in the grip and electric department for a few hours and the headed back through even more security because the event had just started.  Then that night we I went to a little documentary screening party for a great doc called "The Five Obstructions" which was about a film challenge between Jorgen Leth and Lars Von Trier (Dogville, AntiChrist).
Jorgen Leth

Today between my theory and directing classes I edited a scene from an episode of Boston Legal with my friend Steve. Very enjoyable exercise due to the fact that the production value and acting was better than some of the previous exercises (James Spader beats David Caruso any day) I had in my undergraduate years. Later that night, my directing professor Peter Sollet (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist) offered to set up a workshop next week with some of our actors. I signed up right away.  I hope that I get selected as it would be a great opportunity.

I will post again when I have a link to my Boston Legal cut.  It will be on a private Vimeo account as I can't publicly release it due to copyright but as you are my family and friends you will get the password to the page.

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