Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fundamentals of Directing

First of all, I am not changing my metaphors, Editing is still Potions, but it is resembling the Harry Potter version of having several Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. So far here at USC I have had classes with 4 different editing professors. Here they are and what they have edited:
Phillip Neel: Boston Legal, Twin Peaks, Ally McBeal, Remington Steele and currently Human Target
Tom Porter: Golden Girls
Normyn Hollyn: Heathers
Reine Claire- Assistant editor Assassins, Space Jam
Yes, this movie.
I worked on 4 Fundamentals of Directing projects this weekend.I was boom operator for two of them. I provided location for another and then I shot my own.  Lesson learned from all this: don't shoot yours in a parking garage on campus on a Friday night. I am praying I have decent enough audio to cut together a scene I am proud of.  It was a challenge for me and my actors but in the end we decided to try and use it to our advantage. My scene was from "All The President's Men" and we decided to try and make it a scene about paranoia.  Every time a loud distraction came by, or which there were many, I had my actors look quickly around and act as if they were being discovered. It should work.

My P1 is coming around the corner.  It is about a man who gets into a car crash and is clinging on to life but needs to let go.  An angel comes to comfort him in his final moments. It is shot in all black and white and at night.  Luckily it is a silent film so that should help because (see prior problem) it takes place on campus and I have to shoot on Friday.  I already found an excellent source of music for my piece. I am getting an original song from the band Gemeni.  If you are not familiar with them, check them out. They are simply amazing.  If you live in Orlando, go see them live because they have shows almost every weekend.

Steve is working on getting a sizeable upload of the Boston Legal scene and I will also post my Directing project after I edit it this week.

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