Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sunset Blvd. and other madness

I feel bad when I don't update this more often. I want a solid record of my adventures so I can remember all the stuff I do out here. I should be more diligent and post regularly like the amazing Crissy Kikkawa does over at PlayBackFilm.

I worked on a couple of thesis film over the past week. One was at a crazy mental institution that had some abandoned wards in the back. Creepy stuff!  Then this past Monday I was in the mountains of Malibu and had to drag a 300 pound Fisher dolly up a very steep hill. Not fun. But I like exercise so... worth it?
This thing
 I am taking a summer class about Billy Wilder. Shockingly up to this point I had only seen one movie of his and that was "Some Like It Hot". this will be a perfect opportunity to see several films that I have been meaning to see. I guess I can call it catch up work. For example tonight I finally got to see Sunset Blvd.

I also went to a special karaoke event with some Reddit-ers last night.  My song was never called though. They were all spared of my awful voice doing my version of White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. It was my first karaoke song I ever sang and it's amazing so I wanted to do the same here. Oh well...

On a final note my class ends at the end of June instead of August. I can has summer vacation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Michael!! How nice of you!! Keep up the wonderful posts on this blog! Always enjoy reading it!!